Office move without interrupting daily business in the banking sector
As a certified supplier for the banking industry in Luxembourg, OMA partner STREFF proved flexibility by moving in total 330 employees in small groups over several months to not interrupt daily business activities.
STREFF regularly provides services for various Luxembourgish institutions such as the CSSF. The size and the expertise of STREFF allows for a certain amount of flexibility to satisfy fully the customer’s needs when it comes to big office moves.
The CSSF asked STREFF to move the workplaces of 330 employees without interrupting daily business. Evidently, such moves require a strong coordination between the moving company and the in-house IT department, as both need to work hand in hand with each other: A disconnected computer in one building needs to be reconnected in the new locations only a few hours later.
Over a period of several months, STREFF provided the resources to the CSSF that allowed them to continue working at full capacity while small groups of people were moved at a time. As the time schedule was dependent on several different factors, STREFF provided in a flexible manner the necessary workforce and equipment to support the CSSF in their move. For example, STREFF was capable of transferring large amounts of furniture at once on weekends without long lead times to guarantee, that on Monday morning employees could get back to their work immediately.
Moves as the one described above require flexibility, as last-minute changes are inevitable. STREFF and its OMA partners can anticipate these requirements and are able to react to any changing circumstances whenever possible.
Do you need a flexible and reliable partner for your office move? Please contact us: +352 31 09 21
Case Study: National Library of Luxemburg
Special moves need special solutions. Consolidation the National Library of Luxembourg from several locations into one new building required extensive planning, a good team and some out-of-the-box ideas.
When the national library of Luxemburg published in 2018 the tender for the move of their entire inventory of books and archives, dispersed over several locations in Luxemburg, to their new building in Kirchberg, not many companies thought they could take on the challenge.
As the task was immense and asked for quite some significant resources, STREFF collaborated with other moving specialists from Luxemburg and Germany to take on the challenge.
Over a period of four moths, 32 movers and packers, with the help of up to six trucks, 100 moving dollies, 150 file trolleys and 150 rolling transport boxes, transferred 70 km of books and archives from the old library building in downtown Luxemburg and other locations scattered thorough Luxemburg to the brand new Library building in Kirchberg.

A second out of the box solution which needed to be implemented was the installation of a crane in order to move a significant number of file cabinets out of the upper floors of the old building.
For sure could they have been carried down the stairs but this was the by far more efficient method.
In the end, with the help of those out of the box solutions, the expert personnel on site and the know-how of the different involved companies, the move was completed in the agreed upon timeframe.
A second out of the box solution that needed to be implemented was the installation of a crane in order to move a significant number of file cabinets out of the upper floors of the old building.
This was the by far a more efficient method than to repack all books in boxes and carry them down several stairs.

As all parties involved worked efficiently together and but coming up with some tailored solutions, the move was completed in the set timeframe.
Bringing together different experts in their fields with their specific expertise is a strength of OMA. We can offer tailored solutions not only locally but also globally with our network.
Need a special tailored solution to move your business? Please contact us: +352 31 09 21
Your office is a warehouse?
Not a problem for OMA partner STREFF in Luxembourg
Moving ten thousands of spare parts to a new location and maintaining the overview on where to store each item at the same time sounds like a challenge? Yes it is and preparation is key for such a move.
Case study: “De Verband” Luxemburg
“De Verband” is a very important organization that supports mainly the local farming industry in Luxemburg. They are the supplier of spare parts for tractors and other framing equipment and act as an advisor for all questions related to farming industry in Luxemburg.
STREFF was asked to plan and execute the move of the “De Verband’s” spare parts department in the north of Luxemburg. The big challenge of this move was to not only transfer all parts but also to arrange all of the spare parts in the new warehouse exactly as they were in the old one.
Several site vists were performed to align all customer needs with the moving process. Being an archiving and warehousing company itself, STREFF was able to profit from its own experience in-house. To ensure the success, planning was not only carried out by one of STREFF’s experienced office move advisors but also by the later team leads of the move. Thereby, the most efficent use of materials and an adequate personell planning was ensured as well as a reliable process was defined.
As “De Verband” is essential for Luxembourg’s local farming industry, only a short downtime of operations was acceptable. STREFF was able to implement a two work-shift-day to perform the move in a very limited timeframe.
Need a special tailored solution to move your warehouse? STREFF and the OMA network is there to support you. Please contact us: +352 31 09 21